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It’s A Shame That Kelli Tennant Is No Longer A Sports Reporter


Kelli Tennant is going to be your new favorite sports reporter — even though she no longer works in the role. During her time on the sidelines, Tennant served as a lead analyst covering the Los Angeles Lakers for SportsNet.

Most recently, Tennant made headlines for suing Lakers head coach Luke Walton for sexual assault. In the alleged incident that led to Tennant’s lawsuit, she reportedly sustained physical injuries and suffered mental and emotional distress. Walton has denied any wrongdoing.

“He knew, based on her reaction at the hotel, that his sexual assault was unwelcomed and unwanted,” the lawsuit said, via CNN.com. “Despite knowing all of this, Defendant Walton did it anyway, continuing to physically assault her by conduct and actions that demonstrated his view that she was simply a ‘piece of meat’ available for his pleasure, despite her clear lack of consent or interest.”

The Lakers have also commented on Kelli’s allegations.

“This alleged incident took place before Luke Walton was the Head Coach of the Los Angeles Lakers. At no time before or during his employment here was this allegation reported to the Lakers,” the team said in a statement. “If it had been, we would have immediately commenced an investigation and notified the NBA. Since Luke Walton is now under contract to another team, we will have no further comment.”

For more photos of Kelli, check out the pictures below and be sure to head on over to Instagram and click follow to join the growing list of more than 36,000 fans who can’t wait to see her next move.

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last night, I put my hair up in a high pony and worked out for the first time in months. _ as i’ve been battling this epstein barr virus, my numbers have not gone down. I was finally properly diagnosed last summer, after having spent 12 years believing I had fibromyalgia. _ but it’s been such a frustrating battle. together with the help of my functional medicine doctor and ayurveda doctor, i’ve gotten my thyroid and hormones in perfect shape, and my leaky gut is nearly fully healed. my fatigue however, due to the EBV and most currently a lingering and powerful case of walking pneumonia, are still crushing me most days. _ I spent the entire weekend feeling defeated and sleeping 16 hours a day. I went to a place of deep fear, wondering what I was doing wrong. _ monday morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and reset. it doesn’t mean that tomorrow I will feel the same. the problem with these viruses is they are inconsistent and often times attack when you’re least expecting it. _ so for me, all I could do was throw on my @orangetheoryla pants and take my love bug @brucestagram’s class and enjoy a day of feeling normal. I can’t control everything, but I can pull my hair up and head to my favorite workout when my body is up to it. and that feels pretty good 😊 #epsteinbarrvirus #healing #workout

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on Monday, I LOST IT. i was detoxing from my heavy metals chelation and i could not figure out how to properly use youtube. my self doubt, questioning, fear, and internal chaos all came to the surface. I thought, “WHO DO I THINK I AM TO BE HOSTING MY OWN SHOW AND RUNNING MY OWN COMPANY?” 😫 _ luckily, my amazing team stepped in to remind me, on our weekly call, that everything would be okay. _ then @everythingwithstylegirl invited me to see @msrachelhollis documentary that night. talk about LADY INSPIRATION! she called me on all my BS and negative self talk and it flipped me upside down. I left there refreshed and refocused. _ honestly, every day, I don’t really know what i’m doing. I have a lot of people looking to me for answers and often times, I don’t have them. so sometimes I crawl into my shell and panic. _ but I was reminded monday night that standing up for myself and what I believe in and serving YOU is a privilege, a gift and exactly what I want to be doing. sometimes, i just make it up. other times I execute exactly the way I had envisioned it. _ I am manifesting a life of serving others, creating abundance and fulfilling myself. Who am I to do this? KELLI FREAKING TENNANT. i’m owning it, and i’m definitely not letting one day of monday blues hold me back. do YOU and stop apologizing, girl! am I right @msrachelhollis? 😍

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✨I spent my weekend re-centering myself. three days of couch time, meditations, clean + nourishing food, sleep, and a one day panchakarma at @suryaspaayurveda. _ working on so many different things has my head spinning. there are so many logistics, calls, flights, air bnb’s, meetings, and emails that I feel like i’m constantly playing catch up. _ on the other side of that is anticipation, nerves, excitement, fear and the unknown. a whirlwind of emotions. I asked @brucestagram through tears friday, “this is like my baby, and it matters so much to me… what if no one likes it?” _ but after three days of letting my mind rest, I feel a huge energy coursing through my body remembering it comes back to my why, my purpose and my desire to help you. so no, not everyone will like it. i’m not for everyone. but if I can support and help just one person, then I know i’ve done what i’ve come here to do. _ grateful to have had a moment to pause and remember that. luckily I keep these crystals all over my house and I saged everything today, letting all of that energy go. grounded and clear into the week. _ I hope you had a great long weekend. it’s a short week…are you spending it to quickly get back to your why? #rest #recharge #energy ✨

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let’s talk about excuses. we all have them. we convince ourselves there’s a reason we can’t do something. we are too busy. it’s too hard. we are too tired. it’s not worth it. we don’t need it. blah, blah, blah. _ sometimes I come home after a long day and the last thing I want to do is workout. I made the mistake of not working out for a week in austin two weeks ago during a work trip, and I made every excuse. what happened? my back went out. then I COULD NOT MOVE. _ right now, i’m laying on the couch. my @yogahop class with my favorite @matthewreyesart begins in 30 minutes. i’ve had a long day and am mentally drained. I could make every excuse right now. #1 being my couch is so comfy and the office marathon is on. _ but then i change the conversation and remember how incredible sweating will feel. how seeing matthew and checking in with him will make me super happy. and how just moving for one hour makes a significant impact on my body and well being. _ so i’m going. and you should too. what story are you telling yourself that’s keeping you from doing something that would serve you positively? what are your excuses? call yourself out. then tell Michael Scott you’ll return a little later. 😉 #justsayyes #noexcuses #yoga

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this year has been all about stepping into my feminine power, protecting myself and my health and being unafraid of the magic I can create. _ easier said than done, but there’s so much relief in letting go of all the BS, and only saying yes to the things that serve me. _ the best advice I ever got was from my abuela. she said, “take care of yourself and be happy.” that message is finally resonating with me in all the ways. _ so, i’m consciously surrounding myself with incredible women who inspire me, uplift me, and make me feel like a damn warrior princess. because after all, it really is the year of the woman. _ tag the women below who ignite your power and let them know how grateful you are for that sisterhood! 👯‍♀️ #womensupportingwomen #powerful #superheropose

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I remember when I first got sick. It was 2007. I was captain of the USC women’s volleyball team and in the best shape of my life. I was standing in the kitchen one day and my left leg just gave out. After that, it went numb and dead and proceeded to drag behind me for over a year. I couldn’t stand up straight, walk, or sleep let alone workout or play volleyball. _ I fell into a deep depression, almost having to withdraw from school. My friends and family were on close watch as I took countless pills prescribed by doctors who had no clue what was wrong but just wanted to mask the problems. _ I was in a complete identity crisis, losing everything I knew to be true and sacred. I had an eating disorder. I had no clue what was happening except for the terrifying, constant pain that wrecked my body from head to toe every moment of every day. _ I never thought I would work out again. I never thought the pain would go away. I never thought I would have any control over anything again. _ That was darkness. It lasted a long time for me. So now, finding a life of movement, strength and often (but not always) free of pain, is nothing short of a miracle to me. I am grateful for everyday I get to move, sweat and be sore in the best ways. _ How have you been a fighter? What pain have you worked through? Let me know below, because I truly want us to share our experiences and feel supported in this community. ❤ #healing #epsteinbarr #fighter

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I wasn’t raised to think about the way I look. I was raised to value my intelligence, my strengths, my work ethic, the way I treat people and my character. _ but somewhere along the way, the exterior became the forefront and most important trait. it became the very reason I found value in who I was. it got me attention and opportunities. people put me in a box and began to see me in one way. _ I lost myself in that. I forgot to look in the mirror as a woman with so much more to offer. my mind, my heart and my ability to make people feel good and safe got lost in pleasing people by looking a certain way. _ when I was younger, I was the first to raise my hand, lead the group, teach another student, be student council president or captain of the team. this didn’t get me friends. it actually worked against me. so I got quiet, tried not to stand out or make anyone uncomfortable and just focused on my looks. _ a few years ago, I realized I no longer had to play small to make others comfortable. I could be who I was in every way and people could take it or leave it. i’m here to offer my heart, my deep longing to connect with people in a real way, my love for storytelling and my desire to educate people on what it means to be truly healthy inside and out. i’m here to uplift you, hold you, guide you and support you. I am not defined by my looks and I will not allow people’s perceptions to control me. _ because strong is the new pretty, and that’s what I honestly believe. the rest, is just noise. no one can decide who you are but you. go big, be loud, and be strong. #mantra #growth #myvalue #myworth

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I don’t take no for an answer. If something isn’t working out or someone tells me I can’t do it, I will literally pick up the mountain and move it. I’ve done things my entire life people have never understood. _ I was teaching my kindergarten class at 5 after two weeks. My teachers said they didn’t know what to do with me. I skipped 7th grade. I was going through a lot and didn’t feel comfortable where I was, so I just moved on. The modeling industry started telling me at 13, and then again at 19, that I was too fat to model and that my face isn’t symmetrical enough. I’ve been on the cover of magazines and books and the face of many brands. _ A lot of people doubted my ability to compete in USA Volleyball because I was the youngest in my group and shortest middle. I competed every summer until I was 18. I had television executives tell me I wasn’t good enough, sexy enough, or knowledgeable enough to make it. I’ve worked for countless networks, had the Lakers job at 25 and Dodgers at 26. My doctor told me at 19 that I would never heal and gave me zero hope. And though my health journey continues, I feel better than I have in 12 years. When I said I was changing paths, so many people questioned what I’m doing and why. They told me I’ll never find anything as good. _ Don’t stand in my way. I will find a way. I make lemons out of lemonade. And I only know how to fight. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable and often times, I feel like people either can’t keep up with my pace, or I’m just completely misunderstood and don’t fit in. I don’t play by any one’s rules but my own. And guess what, at 30, I couldn’t be happier. 🍋⛰ #newrules #movemountains #theoutlier

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today i’m taking a huge step in my new adventure. it’s still a secret 🤫 but what I will say is that it incorporates every single thing I love. and that’s the point isn’t it? to do what you love? to not be able to sleep the night before because you’re just bursting with excitement that you get to do the thing you always dreamt of creating? yes. that’s the point. _ the nerves, doubt, fear and uneasiness are also a part of this too though. I noticed this weekend I was coming from such a place of fear, naming all the things that could go wrong and being so nervous it would all come crashing down. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders because that’s where I like it so that’s where I put it. with success and fulfillment comes responsibility and blame. and the only way to point now is at myself. _ so i’m preparing as best I can, working on some positive self talk, and diving in head first. cause today is a big day for me, and I don’t have time for any of my ego’s negativity. ❓how do you clear the noise to make room for confidence? tell me below! #superheropose #entrepreneur #newlife

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monday fills me with so much excitement for the week ahead. i’ve never really understood hating it, except for the fact that the world tells us we are supposed to. I look at monday as the first day of the week to learn, grow and grind. on sundays I reset, and on mondays I go. grateful for another opportunity to chase the dream, better myself, and be present. I think we get caught up in what others tell us to feel and believe… that life is only good on the weekend and it leaves us chasing friday through sunday, but dreading the rest of life. how can this positively serve us? it doesn’t. and a small shift of how you approach the day or the week can completely change your mood and your health. I challenge you to hit a refresh on the way you wake up on monday. I think you’ll like the way it feels. let me know if you do! 🌞 #monday #motivation #sayyestolife

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that sky though. ⛅ (I swear I'm happy.) #RBF

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