Samuel Lancelotta, a Baltimore real estate company owner, has been accused of murdering his wife, Beth, and then himself in their home, according to the police. They were both 48 years old. The couple’s three children were all home during the altercation.
One of Lancelotta’s teenage sons made the call to 911 upon finding his parents.
What Happened?
The Howard County Police Department released a statement saying that they believe Lancelotta shot and killed his wife before then taking his own life. The motive at this time is unknown, and they were found in the backyard of their Maryland home. The couple was reportedly rushed to the Maryland Shock Trauma Center where they were pronounced dead.
Sherry Llewllyn, the police spokeswoman, said that were no other indications that anyone else was involved. A handgun was recovered at the scene of the murder. According to the detectives on the case, the shooting took place in the backyard of their home on May 15th around 10:40 P.M. All three children were believed to be at home while this took place.
The Lancellotas’ ran an extremely successful real estate company that handled at least $1 billion worth of developments. He was the general manager of Lancellota Real Estate, as well as a partner at Premier Medical Management. Beth was a dental hygienist in the area, along with working for the real estate company. The couple were very well known in the community
The motivation behind this apparent murder-suicide is unclear. The murder-suicide is considered unexpected as Lancellota was quite active on his Facebook page and was often posting pictures with his wife.
The police have stated that the Lancellotas’ three teenage sons are now with relatives.