David Moore, a Montana state representative, recanted his controversial “yoga pants should be illegal” statement this weekend claiming that, he never actually said that, dude.
Earlier last week the weasel-looking government official proposed a bill that would expand the definition of indecent exposure, which allegedly included “tight-fitting beige clothing.” While discussing his reasoning with a reporter from the Associated Press, Moore eagerly explained that “yoga pants should be illegal in public anyways,” then further discussed, in detail, his hate for all of mankind.
Luckily his colleagues squashed the bill before Moore could rid the state of their sole pleasure.
Now several days later Moore’s stretch pants are in a bunch over society’s reaction to his remarks, which he now claims were never said (because obviously, everyone hates a man who tries to forbid hot girls from wearing tight pants).
Thankfully the worst is over – Montanians can continue to parade through the streets donning only tank tops and lululemons – and a simple moral is left in its ruins: never come between a state and their yoga pants.