With the release of Hideo Kojima’s newest game since his departure from Konami, players have been excited to finally get their hands on Death Stranding. However, this game is clearly a departure from Kojima’s earlier titles. A bold new world with a new character, one Sam Strand, and with new challenges to face. So, here’s 5 tips to help you get through the world of Death Stranding.
Pay attention to your BB

Kojima Productions
Your BB is a sensitive thing. After all, it’s still a baby. It’s just a baby that helps you detect invisible death creatures that are the BTs. But a baby, nonetheless. Which means it can become agitated when say, you fall over. This can be remedied by rocking your baby back and forth. This also helps if your BB becomes sick. The BB is susceptible to autotoxemia, a malady that can leave you without a means of detecting BTs.
Mind your shoes

Kojima Productions
Sam’s shoes become worn over the course of long treks. And should they become damaged enough, the player risks injuring their feet. And while Sam can tend to his injuries, the sight is less than pleasant to watch. You can never go wrong with packing an extra pair of boots when hoofing it across the country.
Murder as a last resort

Kojima Productions
As was the case in Kojima’s Metal Gear franchise, murder should be seen as something of a last resort. And the same can be said for the human enemies in Death Stranding, who are known as MULEs. Mainly because the more people you kill, the higher the BT count in the game will become. Which means unless you’re looking to crank up the challenge of your game, stick to non-lethal means of dispatching human enemies.
Travel light

Kojima Productions
Packing in this game can be tough. Between the human terrorists and ghostly entities scattered about the world, one would think they need to be armed to the teeth. However, this can create problems, as overpacking can cause Sam to fall over and drop cargo, which can affect one’s mission score. As such, it’s prudent to take the bare essentials. A sidearm (preferably non-lethal), a ladder, extra boots and a grenade are always good to have on hand. This leaves you with more room for cargo.
Build for yourself and those around you

Kojima Productions
Throughout the game, you can build structures to help you along your journey. Bridges for crossing rivers, safehouses for resting, generators for recharging devices. However, know that you’re not just building for yourself. You’re also building for other players. The structures you build can appear in other players in their own games, and vice versa. The game also features a “like” system for structures. The more players like the structures you build, the higher your porter rank will go.