American Idol announces its Top 20 contestants on Sunday, March 31 with a special three-hour episode. Entering the episode, the Top 40 contestants performed in front of the judges — Katy Perry, Luke Perry, and Lionel Richie — in Hawaii as they attempt to earn their spots on live television.
This season marks the second season that the long-running reality singing competition airs on ABC after being dropped by FOX and the 17th season overall.
Auditions began in Orlando, Florida and San Diego, California, and went on to span 20 cities while also accepting submissions from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and
Spoilers for the Top 20 were first reported by Gold Derby.
Among the Top 20 are familiar faces like former contestants Laine Hardy and Alyssa Raghunandan. Raghunandan made it to the Top 24 a year ago, while Laine initially did not audition for this season. However, he showed up to auditions to play guitar for a friend and the judges urged him to come back on the show.
Did your favorite contestant make the cut?
A full look at the Top 20 for American Idol’s second season on ABC can be seen below.