Alpha Chi Omega at Lehigh University has been kicked off of the school’s campus due to what school officials called a “reprehensible scavenger hunt”. According to reports, the scavenger hunt involved drugs, alcohol and sexual activity.
In addition to being removed from the school’s campus, the chapter lost its recognition by Lehigh University for two years and will be banned from campus until May 2020.
According to reports, the sorority hosted a savenger hunt in December which participants were given a list of tasks that involved “the use of drugs and alcohol, sexual activity and other activities” that violate the Bethlehem school’s policy.
via CBS:
The sorority was suspended pending an investigation by a disciplinary committee that called the activity “reprehensible.”
“Lehigh University expects all students to uphold community standards and act in a manner that reflects the university’s Code of Conduct. Violations of these expectations, which are in place to foster a safe, respectful environment for all members of the Lehigh community, will result in consequences,” the university said in a statement.
Alpha Chi Omega’s statement reads in part, “The actions of our members in this incident were disturbing and led our leadership to undertake an extensive internal investigation. Following our initial review, we immediately rescinded the membership of nearly one-third of the members of the chapter those women who were most directly involved with this incident.”
The Alpha Chi Omega national organization conducted an investigation resulting in probation and individual punishments. The chapter can appeal the suspension if they wish to do so.
In response to incidents like these, fraternities such Phi Kappa Psi have made numerous changes to their code of conduct in an effort to address the issues that have arisen. In addition, schools such as Texas State have introduced new Greek Life rules to try and prevent these problems.
These reports come amidst similar allegations that have been made against fraternities nationwide, including Sigma Alpha Epsilon at East Carolina University, who were shut down for hazing and the Lamda Chi Alpha chapter at the University of Arkansas which has been accused of taking sexually explicit photographs of women without their permission.
In response to incidents like these, fraternities such Phi Kappa Psi have made numerous changes to their code of conduct in an effort to address the issues that have arisen. In addition, schools such as Texas State have introduced new Greek Life rules to try and prevent these problems.