Sir Ken Dodd, the creator of the Diddy Men and popular British comedian, has passed away at the age of 90, shortly after he had recently been released from the hospital after six weeks of treatment for a chest infection; his passing was confirmed by his publicist, Robert Holmes.
What happened?
Dodd was treated at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital earlier this year, being treated for around six weeks, being released towards the end of February.
Dodd married his partner of 40 years, Anne Jones, the Friday before his passing.
According to Telegraph, Holmes released the following statement:
“He passed away in the home that he was born in over 90 years ago. He’s never lived anywhere else. It’s absolutely amazing.”
“With Ken gone, the lights have been turned out in the world of variety.
“He was a comedy legend and genius.”
“He asked Anne if she wanted to marry. They got the registrar and were married in the house on Friday.
“He died two days later on Mother’s Day. Anne is obviously very upset. They had been together for 40 years.
“It’s a love story to beat them all.”
Dodd is arguably best known for his characters, the Diddy Men, puppet characters who are based on beings from Merseyside mythology. Known for his comedic work, especially based on the classic music hall tradition, He was knighted in the 2017 New Year Honours for services to entertainment and charity.
Earlier this year, Dodd was the subject of false death reports, believed to be connected to chest infection treatments; the comedian’s publicist later confirmed that these reports were untrue.
What is Sir Ken Dodd’s official cause of death?
At this time, Sir Ken Dodd’s official cause of death is unknown to the public.
As this story is developing, more information will be updated as made available.