Patrick Smith/Getty Images
Similar to The Rock, Peyton Manning is just one of those athletes that everyone loves.no matter your shape, size, color, WHATEVER, odds are if you’re a football fan, you like Peyton Manning. Hell, even Tom Brady fans like Peyton Manning.
No matter your shape, size, color, WHATEVER — odds are if you’re a football fan, you like Peyton Manning. Hell, even Tom Brady fans like Peyton Manning. AFC South fans who don’t root for the Colts like Peyton Manning. Point being, if you don’t like Peyton Manning, you’re in the minority.
Which is why Peyton Manning running for Senate is an absolute no-brainer. If we’ve learned anything in the last couple of years, its that literally anyone with a mouth and some money has a shot at public office, especially something as relatively small-scale as a Tennessee Senate seat.
via Business Insider
Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais said he did not think Manning would run for Corker’s seat, but instead could be eyeing Sen. Lamar Alexander’s seat in 2020 if he chooses to retire as well.
“[Peyton Manning] is a great guy and a popular guy,” DesJarlais said, adding that Manning “may be looking more at” running if Alexander decides not to run again.
Among the other candidates DesJarlais said could be in the running next year for Corker’s seat could be Rep. Marsha Blackburn, whom he said “has been a strong conservative voice.”
We may as well chalk this one up as a victory for Manning already. He’s one of the greatest and most marketable quarterbacks of all-time, running in the state he played college football — who wouldn’t vote for him? I’ve never voted in a Senate race before, but if Peyton Manning was running in my district, you bet your ass I’d register myself to vote just so I could vote for him.