@paytonmichele_ Twitter
The first time I watched this video, I couldn’t even watch with the sound on due to the cringe factor. I get that kids have wild imaginations, but this kid just seems a litttlleeee too old to be thinking that she’s going to be able to bust out some telepathy after she saw it in a TV show.
Look, we all played pretend when we were kids. When I went to summer camp in the first grade, me and my buddies used to run around thinking we had Dragonball Z powers. But we were pretending— we didn’t actually think that we were about to turn into Super Saiyans and start reigning down Kamehameha’s on our fellow day campers.
That’s the difference here, but this kid truly believes she’s about to go all Eleven on her sister and flip that car like a pancake. Look at her in the eyes, she’s really ready for her nose to start bleeding and for vaguely Eastern European scientists to start hunting her down.
Just getting absolutely roasted in front of the world because of your older sister <<<<