Look, super fans are super f*cking weird, and it doesn’t really matter what industry we’re talking about.
Whether it be music groupies or comic book nerds of Game Of Throners (throners = Thrones + boner), the people who get dressed up in costume and go to conventions and chase the actors around the world are plain weird. Sorry if you’re one of them, but you need to find a way to better spend your time then camping outside of Kit Harrington’s Belfast hotel.
Now, all that said, Harrington just needs to have a little self-awareness and keep these concerns to himself, which he generally tends to do. Trust us, Kit, us normals understand how much it would suck to be Jon Snow-famous. I wouldn’t wish that level of fame on my psycho ex-girlfriend.
But you know what else sucks? Poverty, dude. You know what also kind of sucks, Kit? Living paycheck to paycheck — definitely blows. So yes, while his gripes are understandable and legitimate, they are comparatively laughable to the problems us normals face.
via The Guardian:
Thronesmania is, he acknowledges, “bizarre and weird”. “Like, being in Spain and there being a crowd of 500, maybe 600 fans camped outside the hotel every day, and you have to get through them. It feels like being Bieber or something.”
When Snow became the brooding heart-throb of the Thrones world, Harington became a kind of boyband pin-up, too. “Yeah,” he sighs. “I don’t particularly enjoy that.” He catches himself. He speaks of his “privilege” often and is acutely conscious of anything that sounds like he’s whining. “I don’t know. Do I? I’m glad I’ve experienced it, but that’s what I mean about it being eight years, then it’s done. You couldn’t go on for much longer. It’s a bit incessant.”
In all honesty, Harrington does seem like a good dude who gets it. But, when you’re making more money than 99% of the world, you have to be very, very careful with where, how, and when you complain.
Seriously, Kit, by all means, bitch about the pervy fans who creep you out, just do it behind closed doors. We get that being wildly famous, rich, and handsome can be a mildly annoying sometimes. Plus, is anyone actually sure this guy can actually act? Or is he going to be stuck in a Friends/Seinfeld scenario where he never lands another role because people only see him as Jon Snow? Only time will tell.