Following the announcement of a deal between longtime enemies ESPN and Barstool Sports, Sam Ponder, host of Sunday NFL Countdown, took a shot at the host of the new ESPN show, Dan “Big Cat” Katz, claiming that he had written some misogynic comments about her in an old Barstool Sports blog.
The only problem was, he hadn’t — the words were that of Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy.
Well, it was only a matter of time before the Barstool Sports founder did some digging of his own, only to find that Ponder herself is guilty of using less-than-choice words.
Now, instead of apologizing to Katz for falsely accusing him of misogyny, or just straight up admitting that she, just like everyone else on Earth, said stupid things when they were young, Ponder is pulling out the gender equality and women’s rights card:
Long story short, this is all just another painful example of the hypocrisy that is the PC police. Everyone makes mistakes, including Sam Ponder.