Happy National Grouch Day! It’s a time set aside to honor those who are miserable, bitter and want the whole world to feel the same way. Grouches are upset with life, and they relish the misfortunes of others and they sometimes even take pleasure in their own misery. But no grouch ever admits to being happy, at least according to Sesame Street mythology.
Now is your excuse to unleash your true disgruntled ways onto the world. And if people complain, just tell them it’s National Grouch Day, and what they are doing is culturally insensitive to your rich grouch ancestry.
Spread the bitter feelings all around because when you’re a grouch, you’re always feeling down. You only look up and grin when others are in the sh*t, sitting in the trash. Now, who would ask for that?
It’s Oscar the Grouch, b*tches!
Oscar is a cherished puppet, loved by millions. Hey, how’s life’s treating ya, buddy?