The KKK appear to be at it again, attempting to influence young, impressionable minds and drive them down a path towards hate. This past Friday night, KKK recruitment flyers were found in the parking lot of Gray’s Creek High School in North Carolina. The flyers were left on cars during a football game on October 6th.
The white supremacy recruitment flyers displayed racist, culturally-insensitive and inflammatory remarks against Jews, Mexicans and Muslims written atop the Confederate flag, also attacking Black Lives Matter, recent NFL take-a-knee protests, and black culture. These flyers also condemned and criticized any removal of Confederate flags and Confederate monuments as a sign that people do not “respect the white majority of America.”
The Fayetteville Observer reported that the Loyal Knights of the KKK took credit for Friday’s flyers at Gray’s Creek High School. The school’s principal Lisa Stewart said that the flyers were “unapproved” and reportedly are in violation of the school’s policy pertaining to defamation and abusive language. A reported 44 percent of the school’s study body are identified as minorities.
KKK flyers have also been popping up inside residential neighborhoods within Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Florida. According to an ABC affiliate, one flyer distributed in Jacksonville, Florida on October 9th, threatened violence on any black man “making eyes” with a white woman. These flyers also included death threats directed towards black and Jewish Americans.
This past September in Iowa, five students at Creston Community High School were suspended after school officials found a photograph of the five students dressed in KKK-garb while burning a cross.
Newsweek reported a story in late September, regarding KKK recruitment stickers found in a high school bathroom in Portland Oregon. The stickers displayed a white-hooded Klansman with the words, “the KKK wants you.” However, it hasn’t been determined whether or not those stickers were an official recruitment effort by the KKK.