Man, talk about soiling childhood memories.
You should up to college with Roo, the adorable little Winnie The Pooh character, as a fond childhood memory. Next thing you know, the little kangaroo from the 1920’s Disney classic reminds you of cranking one out. College, right?
Up in New York, the Rochester Institute of Technology’s slide used the Winnie the Pooh character Roo, using the kangaroo character’s name as an acronym about masturbation. Get it? Roo? Rub one out.
A second slide warned students not to masturbate on camera with strangers … which apparently is something people do these days? Who knows.
Of course, people took the ultimately harmless, rather funny if not out of tune slide and blew it out of proportion, forcing the university to apologize.
Critics said the slide made light of rape and blasted the idea that masturbation could curb someone’s urge to commit sexual assault. University officials said the screenshot was taken out of context and the discussion addressed options available should a potential sexual partner withdraw consent.
“The overarching goal was to increase awareness and promote discussion about the ways we together can prevent instances of sexual misconduct on our campus,” Sandra Johnson, senior vice president for student affairs, said in a statement shortly after the late-August presentation. She said the controversy over the slide, one of 77 shown, “serves to underscore the complexity involved in addressing this issue.”
University officials declined to discuss the episode Thursday, referring The Associated Press to comments published in The Chronicle of Higher Education attributed to Darci Lane-Williams, director of RIT’s Center for Women and Gender.
The slide appeared during a seminar called “Alcohol and Chill”, which was part of a five-day student orientation program and was meant to promote “awareness, prevention, bystander education and risk reduction.”