Friday, June 30, 2017, is recognized as the third annual International Asteroid Day. This date is dedicated to global awareness to educate more people about asteroids. You know, those fiery objects from space that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs.
It’s time to look up at that night sky and hope that the shooting star isn’t a giant asteroid about to make impact. Hopefully, Mother Earth can avoid another catastrophe worse than any election outcome.
You won’t have Morgan Freeman’s soothing voice to calm you like in the film Deep Impact. If a colossal asteroid strikes, you’re probably going to be hit with a heavy dose of reality’s destruction.
Here’s a 24/7 live stream to watch and celebrate the asteroid party.
And oh, don’t forget that today is also National Meteor Watching Day. So, when you look up at the sky tonight, try to enjoy the beauty and don’t think too much about global annihilation via asteroid blast…