WWE Monday Night Raw is live from Greenville, South Carolina. The Miz & Maryse head down to the ring to kick off tonight’s show with another edition of MizTv. Let’s go straight to the entertainment of The Hollywood A-Lister and watch the action and chaos that ensues…
WWE Monday Night Raw Viewing Details
Date: Monday, May 29, 2017
Time: 8:00 P.M. EST
TV Channel: USA
Location: Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, South Carolina

WWE Raw Live Stream: How To Watch Raw Online - May 1, 2017
WWE Monday Night Raw Results
Stick around and refresh the page for live updates from tonight’s episode…
Miz TV kicks off WWE Raw
The Miz shows us all a clip of Dean Ambrose costing Miz the match last week against Elias Samson. Miz says that this is the reason why he asked for the stipulation at Extreme Rules. If Ambrose gets disqualified this Sunday then he’ll lose the Intercontinental Championship. Now, The Miz is going to introduce his guests: Sheamus & Cesaro.
Miz thanks his guests and calls them the “most hardest working workers in WWE.” Miz says The Hardys stole their spotlight at WrestleMania. Sheamus thinks the only bigger shame is that fans turned on Cesaro. The crowd chants “Delete!”
Sheamus says he’ll take back those tag team titles. Miz starts running his mouth as Ambrose and the IC title, which prompts The Lunatic Fringe to come out. Miz reminds the wild IC Champion that he’s outnumbered and if he attacks than he’s either crazy or stupid. Ambrose says he may be crazy, but he’s definitely not stupid.
Out comes The Hardy Boyz will immediately kick ass. Ambrose kicks ass as well. The champions are back on top.
The Hardy Boyz & Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz, Sheamus & Cesaro
Cesaro mixes it up with The Hardys to start off tonight’s match. Cesaro turns the tables on Matt after a little help from “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus. The Miz, Cesaro & Sheamus then take turns putting the hurt on Hardy.
Finally, Dean Ambrose gets the hot tag from Matt. Ambrose comes in like a bolt of lightning, attacking Cesaro and sending The Miz flying off the apron. Ambrose leaps out of the ring onto Miz. Ambrose tangles up with Sheamus & Cesaro, trying to set Cesaro up for a Dirty Deeds, while blocking a Brogue Kick from The Celtic Warrior. Ambrose knocks Sheamus over the top rope with a clothesline.
Sheamus and Ambrose trade shots. Dean hits a spinning neckbreaker, but Sheamus fires back with a high knee.
Back from the break, and The Miz is unleashing a series of YES kicks on Ambrose. The Miz is in complete control. He doesn’t want Ambrose to make the tag, so he runs around the ring to knock The Hardys off the apron. Sheamus & Cesaro hit a double-team White Noise on The Lunatic Fringe. Sheamus tries an even bigger White Noise on Ambrose from the top rope. But the Lunatic Fringe counters and leaps off the top onto Sheamus with a flying elbow drop. Ambrose takes out Cesaro with a yuge clothesline.
Eventually, the ring is enveloped in chaos and all teams are fighting it out in the ring. But The Hardy Boyz clear house and target The Miz. The match ends when Matt hits the Twist of Fate on The Hollywood A-Lister. Jeff gets the tag and hits a Swanton Bomb.
The Hardy Boyz & Dean Ambrose defeat The Miz, Sheamus & Cesaro
Elias Samson vs. Zac Evans
Before the match, Samson is in the ring beneath a spotlight. The crowd is raising their lighters and cellphones to glow in the darkness like Bray Wyatt’s fireflies. Samson sings about what happened next week in his in-ring debut.
Elias beats the ever-loving sh*t out of Zac Evans. This is a completely one-sided affair. Elias with a sick knee to the gut of Evans. Samson unmercifully dissects his opponents, and ends the match with a swinging neckbreaker.
Elias Samson defeats Zac Evans
Finn Balor vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Samoa Joe
Joe and Balor battle to start off the match while Bray watches on. Wyatt is clapping in approval. Finn eventually hits Wyatt with a yuge kick, but Joe quickly attacks “The Demon King” Finn with hard knees. Wyatt and Joe are dissecting Balor.
Balor has to fight both men. But the team of Joe and Wyatt break down, and Joe has the Eater of Worlds locked into the Coquina Clutch. Balor breaks up the clutch with a hard kick. Wyatt and Joe eventually return to teaming up with Balor and then turning on each other once again. Balor is resilient against the odds, he reminds me of a modern day David from the David vs. Goliath story.
Finn gains control over Wyatt, taking him out with a Coup de Grace. But then Joe slides in the ring, grabs Balor and tosses him into the steel ring-post. Joe pins the prone Bray.
Samoa Joe defeats Bray Wyatt & Finn Balor
Noam Dar vs. Rich Swann
Dar and Swann trade shots. Dar locks Swann in a sick submission hold. Towards the end, Alicia Fox climbs up on the apron in an attempt to distract Rich. But “The Boss” Sasha Banks knocks Alicia off the apron. The Foxy one hits he floor, while Swann performs a flawless 450 splash.
Rich Swann defeats Noam Darr
Post-match: Sasha and Swann dance in the ring. Let’s get funky, folks!
Kalisto vs. Titus O’Neil
The fiery Kalisto attacks the much-larger Titus. O’Neil just executes a quick roll-up on the luchador and that’s it for the match.
Titus O’Neil defeats Kalisto