Josh Lefkowitz/Getty Images
You gotta admire this kid’s desire to be front and center of the game no matter what. But you also got to feel bad for his teammates, who barely were able to get their hands on that orange basketball when LaMelo was in the mix. His team lost by an astonishing 52 points. Hopefully, LaMelo will learn the lesson that there is no “I” in team. Just ask Tito from the Nickelodeon show Rocket Power.
LaMelo Ball is a 15-year-old sophomore point guard from Chino Hills, California. This isn’t the first time he’s found himself under the media microscope. He was one of the top ranking freshman high school basketball players in the nation. His overall recruiting ranking is flawless, with five star ratings from Scout, Rivals, ESPN, and 24/7 Sports. At 13-years-old, he had already committed to playing with the UCLA Bruins once he finishes high school.
During yesterday’s game, the team from Chino Hills became the LeMelo Ball squad. Ball led his team to defeat, and hopefully next time, he’ll give the other boys a chance.
Here’s a video of LaMelo Ball’s hilarious antics on the basketball court. The video has been edited to highlight LaMelo’s best worst plays during yesterday’s game. I imagine Ball might be laughing to the bank one day, as he finds himself in the NBA, but with a funny video to look back on. This is one for the books:
I guess everyone has their off-days.