I cannot tell you how sick I am of politicians hijacking commencement speeches to push their political agenda. I was lucky enough (or so I thought) to have President Obama to speak at my Rutgers graduation, yet all he did for the entire 40-minute speech was push the Democrats politics on us. Commencement speeches should be about the STUDENTS, who are about to begin their adult lives, not the corrupt politicians and what they want for the world. This happens on both sides of the aisle and it’s deplorable. Instead of bashing kids over the head with political propaganda, how about you give them a little hope instead. The year after Obama spoke at my graduation, Steven Van Zandt spoke (guitarist in E Street Band, Silvio in The Sopranos) to the following class, and trust me, I was jealous.
So shame on John Kerry for this bullshit speech, full of barbs you know he didn’t write himself. That Rosetta Stone line is as dad-joke corny as it gets. I understand he’s speaking to a bunch of hyper-liberals up in Cambridge and is trying to pander to the crowd, but would it kill us to go ONE day without talking about Russia? Especially at a day as important as graduation.
During his commencement speech at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Kerry advised the graduates to learn to speak Russian. Get it? GET IT?!
And also, like, f*ck John Kerry. Dude lost to Dubya during the height of the Iraq war.
Via RT:
“I’m often asked what the secret is to have a real impact on government,” he said. “Well, it’s recently changed. I used to say, either run for office or get a degree from Harvard Kennedy School. With this White House I’d say, buy Rosetta Stone and learn Russian,” he said.
Kerry, a graduate of Yale, Harvard’s rival in the Ivy League, made reference to one of Trump’s seemingly favorite phrases in another joke: “Let me be honest about it. When it was first reported that a Yale grad was going to be speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School, the initial reaction was: Fake news!”