President Donald Trump has just touchdown in Saudi Arabia, and the response to his arrival is absolutely yuge! The Saudi regime had a strained relationship with the former President Barrack Obama in regards to the Iran nuclear deal (the Saudi’s rivals in the region). This Arabian kingdom hopes to foster a mutually-beneficial relationship with the United States. So, they look to provide The Donald with more respect than he’d ever receive back in the states.
There’s nonstop hand-shakes, smiles, and even bag-pipes play in the background. Trump does have Scottish heritage after-all (I do too). From his airplane to the the Royal Court in Riyadh, Trump is celebrated like a king from a friendly foreign land. Horses follow Trump’s limousine on his way to the Royal Court to greet King Salman. Trumpets sound in the background as President Trump exits his vehicle.
“Very happy to see you,” the king said.
“It’s a great honor,” Mr. Trump replied, before Saudi girls approach the president, offering a bouquet of flowers.
King Salman placed a gold medal around the neck of American’s very own orange ham-of-state. This is the highest civilian honor in the kingdom, and should not be taken lightly.