23-year old Brazilian student Humberto Moura Fonseca died after drinking 25 shots in 60 seconds for some sort of drinking competition. Shortly after finishing his shots, he was rushed to the hospital with a bunch of the other “contestants.” Humberto died on the way and the rest of his contestants are still in critical care.
Umm yeah. What the f*ck was Humberto thinking would happen? He’d go out on the town and have a massive rager? No. He drank 25 shots, that’s seven more shots than an entire bottle.
Ironically enough, Humberto posted on his Facebook wall a quote from Russian poet Vladimir Maiakovski, “It is better to die from vodka than from boredom.” He’d probably think twice about that theory now.
Dudes: Please don’t ever drink this much in one sitting, let alone a minute.