Hey, was there always a Nazi swastika as the avatar on the Chipotle Twitter account? Joe–who runs the Chipotle Twitter account–wants to assure you that was not always the case. In fact, Joe is probably having a very bad morning, because someone hacked into Chipotle’s Twitter account last night and turned it into a trolling Nazi rant factory.
Here’s what it looked like…
And here’s a typical (completely unauthorized, folks!) Chipotle tweet from last night…
And, yeah, it got worse…
Nazis. We hate these guys.
Joe at Chipotle isn’t too fond of them, either–and we mean that he probably felt that way even before somebody put a swastika up at his Twitter feed. Now he really hates these guys. Especially because he had to clean up the feed at 4:30 am, and now he has to explain to his bosses why the Chipotle Twitter password was something like “12345” or “Chipotle.”
Damn, Joe. Up your game. There are Nazis out there. Or trolls. Whatever. It’s a bad look for Chipotle. That’s why they deleted all of those Tweets. Good thing the internet can save things…