Listen fellas, don’t make DeflateGate jokes now or ever. They really weren’t all that funny to begin with.
You’d think that Aaron Hernandez‘s lawyer–a professional adult representing his client in a murder case–would have gotten that memo, but apparently not. Watch and cringe as he makes an awful joke in court.
The line came as defense attorney James Sultan was cross-examining a Massachussets State Policemen about tire pressure:
“And one of the things you received training in is tire deflation devices, right?” Sultan said.
“A certain type of tire deflation device, yes,” Dowd said.
“OK,” Sultan said. “Did you ever receive training in football deflation devices?” [source]
The judge was having none of that and admonished James Sultan immediately.
“We are here on very serious business and I do not expect there to be any jokes,” Garsh said.
“I apologize to the court,” Sultan said. “In hindsight, that was a mistake.” [source]
H/T: Uproxx