Look – life can be hard, and sometimes we need help. And who knows how to do life better than you? Hot girls.
Luckily Miami native Cindy Prado came to your aid and offered up some valid life advice. We’d like to believe she pondered the answers while donning a bikini, but no one knows for certain. Here’s what the beauty had to say about Valentine’s Day, projectile vomit, and sex:
What should I get my girlfriend for Valentine’s Day if we haven’t been dating for that long?
Valentine’s Day can get a little tricky for new relationships. You want to make your girl feel special, but you can’t go too overboard and make things corny. I think the best idea is instead of getting an actual gift, take your girl on a memorable date. VDay is on a Saturday this year, so it can be a day-long date filled with fun and romantic activities! A fun day together will be much more significant than a materialistic gift.
I took this girl out and drank too much on our date. May have projectile vomited in the bathroom while she was standing outside of the door. Think she’ll go out with me again?
I think this one all depends on how much the girl likes you. If I go on a date with a guy that I’m still trying to figure out if I like, this will probably be a turn-off. However, if a girl really likes you already, our womanly instincts will kick in and we will want to take care of you, and will probably go out with you again.
How do I hit on a hot girl without looking terrified/like a total tool?
This is a tricky one. There’s two extremes of girls: those who are attracted to guys who don’t pay them any attention, and those who are needy for attention. Overall, I think a simple and straight forward “hello” is a good way to start a conversation. Pick-up lines are super cheesy. If the conversation starts going somewhere, you can ask for her number.
If you saw me wearing the same pair of boxers twice in the same week, would that weird you out?
Probably not… I would assume you either have multiple of the same pair or already washed them.
I want to have sex but I’m not sure she’s into it. How do I tell that she wants me?
If a girl wants you, you will know. Start with a kiss – you will know if it is leading anywhere by her body language.
I want to get a tattoo. What should I get?
I say no to tattoos, although some men do look sexy with them. But in a world full of men getting tattoos, I appreciate a man who has never gave into them. However if you really want one, I would say to get something meaningful or that symbolizes something you believe in. No names!
What shouldn’t I wear on a first date?
Anything flashy or overboard. Keep it simple and be yourself.
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