As your Professor of beer I am always looking for a recently released brew, one of my favorite beers, or an obscure brew that I have been waiting to try for a while. Typically, these types of brews are the one that make for the best beer reviews. But every now and again you have to take a step back, put the batteries in natural, and just enjoy a smooth, very drinkable brew. This weekend I am enjoying a great gateway craft beer (a beer that often leads people to drinking other craft brews); this week, New Belgium’s Fat Tire is What’s on Tap!
Undoubtedly, you have heard of New Belgium Brewing Company, opened in 1991 in Fort Collins, Colorado, later this year an east coast facility is set to open, and is among the top 3 craft beer producers in the US. To me, what sets New Belgium apart from others is their willingness to always produce different beers, many of their beers are only available for 1-2 years and then they release a totally different brew. However, Fat Tire has been the brewery’s flag ship brew and is one of the most drinkable ambers on the market.
Fat Tire’s pour and appearance is exactly what a beer should look like. It has a nice rich color that gives the impression that this brew has flavor; unlike the beers that look like carbonated water with yellow food coloring. The aroma of the brew is heavy on the malt side but there are also hints of potpourri like smell. Much like the aroma, taste is very similar with a heavy lean on the bready malts. There is a slight hoppy and citrus / fruity presence but nothing that will turn drinkers away.
Fat Tire is the perfect drinkable brew regardless of one’s craft beer pallet. Fat Tire’s moderately low ABV and low impact on your pallet make it the perfect brew when tailgating or watching football. This weekend I am pairing Fat Tire with grilled wings that are not breaded or too spicy. But regardless of your dish you cannot go wrong with a Fat Tire.
Beer Stats
Style: Amber Ale
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 5.2%
Bitterness (IBUs): 22
Color: Amber
Malt: Pale, C-80, Munich, Victory
Hops: Willamette, Goldings, Target
Yeast: House Ale