Many prefer to drink darker stouts and porters during the winter and colder months, but I’m more excited to drink the IPAs that release in January and early February. Typically the early months of the year mark the first chance hop heads like me can drink their favorite IPAs and Imperial IPAs. This week’s beer review and the craft beer I’m enjoying is a new IPA to hit the market from one of my favorite breweries. This weekend, Stone Brewing’s Stone Delicious IPA is What’s on Tap!
Those who know the very basics about beer know one of the key ingredients is barley (or malted grain) and barley contains a protein compound called gluten. This means those affected by celiac disease (people who cannot eat / digest gluten) cannot enjoy delicious beer; currently there are only a few gluten free beers on the market. As a brewery that is always looking to push the boundaries, Stone Delicious IPA is Stone’s first foray into brewing beer with reduced gluten. And yes, when I read that on the bottle my immediate thought was, “really? I hope this brew does not taste like the beer equivalent of tofu.”
Much to my pleasant surprise, Stone Delicious IPA, was full of IPA goodness. At the onset Stone Delicious IPA gave off an awesome hoppy aroma that was highlighted with huge citrus notes. Stone Delicious IPA taste was similar to the smell, a strong mixture of hops and citrus (lemon and lime) at the onset. Do not let the lack of gluten influence the idea there is no malt quality to this beer; there is but albeit it is very subtle. On the backend there is a mouth-puckering bitterness that really punctuates each sip.
I was really pleasantly surprised by this brew and regardless if there is a lack of gluten or not Stone Delicious IPA is what the name says – delicious. This weekend I am pairing Stone’s latest brew with some spicy Indian dish, shrimp vindaloo. The dish is super spicy but the beer’s large hoppy and citrus presence should cut the spiciness and the two should pair well together.
Beer Stats
Style: IPA
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 7.5%
Color: Dark Yellow / Goldish
Beer Review Stats
Beer Advocate: 87