The Lebron James fiasco in Cleveland just got absolutely crazy. Did he seriously tell Dwayne Wade “Like I said, if we aren’t better this year, we’re gonna re-unite again and do some bigger and better things, alright?”
First listen to the clip below, found through reddit’s /r/Heat by /u/mrshaker.
Let’s look at the facts.
After the Heat and Cavaliers’ Christmas game, Lebron James and Dwayne Wade spoke briefly. That is fact. But what we don’t know is what the two talked about, because they both put their jerseys in front of their mouths so we couldn’t read their lips.
Lebron James hasn’t been quiet about his dislike for the current state of Cavs.
But he also knows that the cameras were rolling right in front of him. Was he just trolling? Or was he talking about something else?