Want to have some second thoughts about the importance of a college education? Consider the cash flow of your average stripper. Actually, we’d prefer to study the cash flow of an extraordinary stripper, but that’s only because we’re so impressed with these pics of regular exotic dancers hauling in the Benjamins.
We know there are a lot of Georges and Abes in the mix, too, but that doesn’t make these plentiful pics any less impressive. These ladies really don’t seem to be at the very top of the stripper spectrum. That doesn’t stop them from being able to post plenty of hot shots where they show off their haul.
Now we’re thinking that we could do pretty well on the male stripper circuit. Let’s say the top guys make about $5,000 a night. The COED staff should be good for at least a cool fifty bucks. We’re going to think about that. We’ll understand if you’d rather not. Instead, enjoy this tribute to capitalism, and then check out some of our other favorite strippers from the past year–including the gal who tried to pole dance her way out of having her car towed, and the strippers who livened up the Pussy Lounge at this year’s Tomorrowland…