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Mitt Romney Was Representing BYU in Viral Chocolate Milk Moment on Senate Floor


Brigham Young University is famous for a few reasons: Jimmer Fredette, Mitt Romney, and Dairy products. Two of those reasons have made headlines recently.

Senator Mitt Romney committed a strict violation on the senate floor during President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial and BYU was found to be an accomplice in his violation. Romney was caught drinking chocolate milk out of a bottle. Yes, that was the violation. But where did Romney get chocolate milk from? Who was his supplier? None other than BYU’s Creamery. Romney is a graduate of BYU so it isn’t surprising that he is supporting his school by enjoying some of their famous chocolate milk. What is surprising though is his unawareness of the rules. According to the Senate impeachment trial rules, Senators are only allowed to drink water and milk and those beverages must be drunk out of a glass.

Romney was made aware of his violation by a Senate aide and made the proper adjustment, pouring his milk into a glass. Before he could reenter the chamber his glass had to be inspected. His glass cleared inspection and Romney was able to enjoy his chocolate milk in the midst of an intense impeachment trial.

Normally, there would be no drink allowed on the Senate floor but additional rules were made for this impeachment trial.  Chocolate milk in a bottle is not the only violation that one would find to be of minor importance. Senators are also not allowed to stand during the entire process and will have their iPhones and iPads confiscated before entering the chamber.

Senator Romney was not the only one seen drinking chocolate milk. At least four other senators – Tammy Baldwin, Tom Cotton, Richard Burr, and Ted Cruz were seen drinking chocolate milk but only Romney was seen drinking it out of a bottle. A bottle of chocolate milk from Brigham Young University’s Creamery.

Social media has been abuzz with jokes on the whole situation, making light what is perceived to be an unnecessary ruling. Behind the jokes and sarcasm about the chocolate milk scandal, are people supporting Romney and, indirectly, BYU due to the absurdity of the ruling.

If loving the #chocolatemilk is a crime then lock me up with @mittromney byucreamery #drinklikeMitt @latenightseth https://t.co/ZLwrMtoOre

— Todd Harris (@TheToddHarris) January 29, 2020

Mitt Romney with a bottle of chocolate milk on the Senate floor. Illustration by Art Lien https://t.co/xIoURw8ZeK pic.twitter.com/1fe3go0wjz

— Hunter Schwarz (@hunterschwarz) January 28, 2020

I feel like chocolate milk is bending the rules a bit. Mitt Romney, you rebel!

Also, does the milk rule allow for plant-based milk? https://t.co/vPR81OLGg0

— Melissa Davlin (@davlinnews) January 28, 2020

Will no one put a stop to this man's crime spree https://t.co/kEdI2X5gUw

— Leon Wolf (@LeonHWolf) January 29, 2020

In perhaps the most rebellious act I’ve ever seen him engage in; @MittRomney is drinking chocolate milk on the senate floor.

— Garrett Haake (@GarrettHaake) January 28, 2020

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