As Christmas fast approaches, it only makes sense that movies aired this time of year contain good ol’ fashioned yuletide cheer. In this particular franchise, such cheer isn’t too far away. From 1994 to 2006, the Santa Clause trilogy gave youngsters a new origin story for everyone’s favorite present giver Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas….Scott Calvin. Considered to be classics by many who grew up with them, the series that made kids misspell Santa for over two decades remains a favorite around the holiday season. Although I’d like to rank them all equally, this list calls for me to go from worst to best, so I will comply! Without further ado, here are the best Santa Clause movies from worst to best, ranked!
3. The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause (2006)
The final installment in the Santa Clause trilogy also happens to be the weakest and most tired of the films. After twelve years of being Santa Claus (WITHOUT the e, people), Scott Calvin is tricked into giving it all away when the mischievous Jack Frost tricks him into rescinding his role. After discovering this deception, Scott must find a way to reverse the reversal and make things right once more in the North Pole. Can he save the day or will Christmas get a bit chillier?
The Santa Clause 3 is the worst film in the trilogy by far. The jokes feel forced, the characters have grown less likable and the plot feels extremely rushed. Whether the series was intended to be a trilogy or not, it became one with this film when no future installments were released.
2. The Santa Clause (1994)
The very first film in the series, The Santa Clause sets up the premise for later films while introducing us to the iconic characters we all know and love. Scott Calvin is a cynical CEO of a toy company who is divorced with a son. On Christmas Eve, Scott startles and accidentally kills Santa Claus, forcing him to take up the job. Though at first apprehensive, Scott grows to appreciate his newfound role. But can he convince those in his life that he hasn’t gone crazy in time for the next Christmas?
The Santa Clause is a good introduction to the main characters and lets us get to know them before being thrust into the action. It has heartfelt comedy, surprisingly engaging action setpieces and an inventive take on the place where childhood dreams come true; the North Pole. Overall, it’s a surefire classic.
1. The Santa Clause 2 (2002)
The second movie in the series, The Santa Clause 2 is also the best of the three. Set eight years after the first film, Scott Calvin has grown to love his job, but there’s only one problem: he needs to find a Mrs. Claus. Forced to find a beau before Christmas, Scott de-Santas himself, leaving the North Pole in the care of a clone of himself, who turns out to take the rules a bit too seriously. Can Scott find a suitable partner and save the North Pole from his, er, his clone’s literal-mindedness?
This film is by far the best in the series. It features great jokes, a funny premise and a great antagonist in clone Santa. If you can only watch one of these movies this year, choose this one.