By now, we are all familiar with the default wallpapers on whichever macOS you use. The scenic photos give us a look at beautiful sights from around the world and one group of friends decided to get together to recreate the epic photos in real life.
YouTuber and photographer Andrew Levitt was joined by his friends Jacob Phillips and Taylor Gray for a trip to the tip of the Catalina Islands off of the coast of Southern California to recreate the default wallpaper for macOS Catalina.
The trio took a ferry to Catalina Island before going on an eight-hour hike across the island to capture the view.
With all of their equipment, they were able to make it to the tip of the island where they used a drone to fly over and capture a view that was virtually identical to the macOS Catalina wallpaper. On their way back from the grueling hike, they were stopped by police and learned that hiking on the island at night was prohibited, so they were escorted back by the officer.
Then, they put the final touches on the incredible video which you can see below:
A few months ago, before they captured the latest macOS wallpaper, the trio of friends took a weeklong road trip to capture the other default wallpapers for Mac operating systems.
What a life.