An unfortunate incident temporarily seemed to ruin a two-year-old’s birthday, but a photo has since gone viral and everyone is now looking back and enjoying a laugh. Melin Jones of Missouri went to pick up a birthday cake for her two-year-old and when she got home she noticed the message.
The cake supposed to read “Happy Birthday Lizard” which is the nickname for her daughter Elizabeth.
Instead, the child’s birthday cake read “Happy Birthday Loser” and led to an incredible and unintentionally hilarious image.
“I was a little shocked, but after a few seconds, I couldn’t stop laughing,” Jones told People. “I had no clue they got it wrong. I was in a hurry and it seemed like a simple enough request. I wasn’t really expecting anything to be wrong with it.
“Apparently she heard me wrong. I was pissed then but man it’s funny now. The picture of my daughter looking at the cake kills me every time. She ended up getting a new cake and I ate every bit of that loser cake.”
Additional details revealed:
Melin says she initially shared the photo on Facebook last year but deleted the post because she did not want the Walmart employee to get in trouble. After a few months, though, she decided to share it again, posting the photo in a Facebook group called Sad Sales and then on her own profile last month. The post has since been shared hundreds of times.
The good news is that little Lizard couldn’t read, so she didn’t really understand the mishap, but it still gave the internet this picture-perfect moment that will last a lifetime.
Melin has since shared a photo of the replacement cake that her daughter received — which you can view here — and she didn’t seem to be bothered. Let this serve as a reminder to all to doublecheck your custom orders before taking them home.