Eight years after the premiere of Game Of Thrones, the show has grown from an unknown gamble of a show to arguably the biggest television series to ever exist.
And in those years, a lot has changed since those first ten episodes that got the world of Westeros up and running, such as the budget, the production scale, and the actors involved, as many characters who were featured in the early seasons no longer appear.
During its formative years, Game Of Thrones made a name for itself through its sheer ruthlessness and willingness to kill off main characters.
Yes, while they were following the story written by fantasy writer George R.R. Martin, beheading main characters have never been the status quo in television, yet that’s exactly what HBO did when they chopped off Ned Stark’s head in the ninth episode of the first season.
Now, with Game Of Thrones on the verge of its final six episodes, names and faces from the show’s past and present have been talking to the media about their experience with the show.
One of these names from the past is director Alan Taylor, who helmed iconic episodes such as “Fire and Blood”, “The North Remembers”, “Valar Morghulis”, “Beyond the Wall” and the aforementioned “Baelor”.
Speaking to Vanity Fair, Taylor revealed never-before-heard behind-the-scenes details about filming what has become one of the show’s most iconic images, the death of Ned Stark.
Game Of Thrones six-episode eighth and final season premieres on HBO on Sunday, April 14 at 9 p.m. EST.
That is all the information that is available at this time. This article will be updated with new and relevant information should it become available at any time. If there is anything that we missed, please feel free to send an email to editor@teamcoed.com and we will respond as soon as possible.