The Sigma Pi fraternity at Penn State University decided to do some impromptu philanthropy over the weekend after they housed a lost pig in their home on Friday, April 13.
According to State College, a lost pig (yes, pig) wandered into the backyard of the Sigma Pi house on Friday, April 13. The pig arrived at the house at 303 Fraternity Row around 11 a.m. on Friday. State College Police say that the fraternity brothers did “what any responsible pet owners would do and took in the pig as one of their own. They fed the pig, gave it water, and even allowed it to stay the night in their backyard.”
State College reports that a Sigma Pi fraternity brother called the police about the lost pig at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 15. That same day, the Centre County volunteer nonprofit “Pets Come First” relieved the fraternity of their pig-watching duties.
Because the pig did not have any identifying characteristics, Pets Come First is currently holding the pig without any idea who it’s own is, waiting for it to be claimed.
Ya know, I’ve always heard that pigs are smarter than dogs & that some people actually own pigs as pets, but I never saw the appeal. However, I gotta admit … this little guy is pretty damn cute:

Pets Come First
Normally, when Penn State fraternities are in the headlines, it usually isn’t a good thing, but this time the guys at Sigma Pi nailed it.