Barbara Bush is the wife of the 41st President of the United States and is currently the only living person to be the wife of one former United States President, former President George H. W. Bush, and the mother of another, former President George W. Bush. Let’s take a look at her life over the years, starting with her net worth.
Barbara Bush Net Worth: $25 Million
Barbara Bush’s net worth is estimated to be around $25 million. Let’s take a look at her life over the years just to see how she came so far.
The Early Years
Born Barbara Pierce, Bush is a native of New York and is the descendant of early New England colonist Thomas Pierce Jr. After attending boarding school in South Carolina, at the age of 16, she met her future husband George Herbert Walker Bush, then a student at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, at a dance during Christmas vacation. The two were engaged to be married before he went off to World War II. During the first thirteen years of their marriage, the couple had six children: George W., Pauline “Robin”, John Ellis “Jeb,” Neil Mallon, Marvin Pierce and Dorothy “Doro.”
In 1950, the Bushes moved to Texas, where George Sr. would go on to found Zapata Corporation. Tragedy struck the family in 1953 with the loss of daughter Pauline, also known by the nickname “Robin,” who died of leukemia. By 1963, George Bush was elected Harris County Republican Party chairman, his first election. Although he would lose, his first run for U.S. Senator would be in 1964, although it arguably placed the family on the public political spectrum.
Eventually, by 1966, George Sr. would be elected as a U.S. Representative in Congress from Texas. Over the years, during various elections involving her husband, Barbara Bush would either be helping her husband on the campaign trail or be raising the children. Her husband’s political career would place her in various positions over the years, notably when Bush became the head of the U.S. Liaison Office in the People’s Republic of China in 1974, allowing her to live in the country.
In 1980, George Sr. announced his candidacy for President of the United States, ultimately losing the nomination to California Governor Ronald Reagan, although becoming Reagan’s running mate and eventual Vice President. During her time as Second Lady of the United States, she became known for working with various literacy organizations.
Within eight years of his vice presidency, George Sr. would once again announce plans to run for President, this time proving successful. With her husband’s election, Bush rose to the position of First Lady, helping to continue pushing for literacy, notably going on to develop the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. She was also active in the White House Historical Association and the White House Preservation Fund during this time.
In 1994, Bush’s son George would run for Governor of Texas in the gubernatorial election. Within five years, he himself would run for President of the United States and she appeared as a fixture within his campaign. Upon the death of Nancy Reagan in 2016, she became the oldest living First Lady, as well as the only living First Lady to also be the mother of a former president. In 2017, she made headlines when both she and her husband were hospitalized. In 2018, a spokesperson for the family announced that Babara would no longer receive hospital treatment, being further treated at home for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure