It goes without saying that Rachel Bush is easily one of the hottest Instagram models in the world and literally the hottest MILF on the entire third rock from the sun. At just 20-years-old, Bush has not only already had an adorable baby girl but has somehow come out of it looking ten thousand times better than she did before. That takes some serious hard work and dedication (and also some decent genes).
Also, maybe I’m a little too woke on this one, but Jordan Poyer had a career (borderline Pro Bowl) year after he got with Rachel. That has to mean something, right? I know I’d be lifting a little harder and running a little faster if that was my girl — you gotta stay in peak, tip-top shop to keep that 15/10 around. As a Jets fan, I can’t say I love the Bills new safety looking like a steal, but if he’s cool with Rachel Bush, he’s cool with me — super hard not to at least respect the dude.