“The Ultimate Fighter 27,” also known as “The Ultimate Fighter: Undefeated,” is set to premiere Wednesday, April 18 on FOX Sports 1 with Daniel Cormier, the UFC light heavyweight champion, and heavyweight title holder Stipe Miocic serving as head coaches of the latest season of the UFC’s long-running reality series. TUF 27’s cast is made up of undefeated fighters in the lightweight and featherweight divisions.
The season will come to an end on July 6, 2018, at the Pearl Theatre of the Palms Casino Resort in Paradise, Nevada, when the champion in each weight class is crowned.
Miocic and Cormier will then face off in a heavyweight title fight at UFC 226 on July 7, at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada as part of the promotion’s International Fight Week.
Daniel Cormier Daniel Cormier’s coaching staff will include fellow UFC fighter and former heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez, and a handful of his trainers at American Kickboxing Academy including head coaches Bob Cook and Javier Mendez, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu master Leandro Vieira, two-time NJCAA national champion wrestler Deron Winn.
When the show premieres, the two coaches will put all 16 cast members through a vigorous workout before making their team picks. There will be a coin toss to determine who gets to pick the first fighter and who gets to pick the first fight.
The full cast for “The Ultimate Fighter: Undefeated” can be seen below:
- Thailand Clark (7-0), 28, Fort Worth, Texas
- Joe Giannetti (6-0), 22, Norwell, Mass.
- John Gunther (6-0), 32, Cleveland, Ohio
- José Martinez Jr. (4-0), 27, Lorain, Ohio
- Luis Peña (4-0), 24, Hillsboro, Miss. by way of Naples, Italy
- Richie Smullen (3-0-1), 26, Arklow, Ireland
- Mike Trizano (6-0), 25, Ramsey, N.J.
- Allan Zuniga (13-0), 25, San Miguel, Costa Rica
- Jay Cucciniello (8-0), 31, Malaga, Spain by way of Dublin, Ireland
- Tyler Diamond (9-0), 26, Oroville, Calif.
- Brad Katona (6-0), 25, Dublin, Ireland by way of Winnipeg, Canada
- Bryce Mitchell (9-0), 23, Cabot, Ark.
- Suman Mokhtarian (8-0), 25, Sydney, Australia
- Dulani Perry (4-0), 31, Houston, Texas
- Kyler Phillips (5-0), 22, Surprise, Ariz.
- Ricky Steele (5-0), 29, Boise, Ida.