It’s Friday Jr. and the tournament is back, meaning so is my itch to gamble. I have to be careful, though, as last weekend got out of hand quickly and next thing I knew I was down $250 (thanks for the birthday money, Grandma!).

Me after the NCAA Tournament ends
Anyway, on to COED’s Quick Fix: Everything You Need To Know Today — March 22, 2018
Pop Culture
– New trailer for Deadpool 2 y’all !!!:
– Wes Anderson (The Royal Tenenbaums, Moonrise Kingdom, The Grand Budapest Hotel) has a new stop-motion movie coming out this week called Isle of Dogs, and like most Anderson films, its supposedly pretty good. Here’s a ranking of all his films.
– Speaking of movies — just to give you a little insight into my brain — my two choices of movies to watch tonight are: the 1995 crime thriller classic Heat (which I’ve somehow never seen) or … The Boss Baby. Yeah, I don’t know whats up with me either.
– The NCAA Tournament is B.A.C.K. BACK with four Sweet 16 games:
– The Raptors & Cavs combined for 8 million points last night, with the Cavs eeking out a massive win at home. Shout out to everyone who had the over, as you probably hit in the third quarter.
News & Politics
– Did … did the President of the United States just challenge the former Vice President of the United States to a fight?
– Sacramento Police released the body camera footage of the shooting death of 22-year-old Stephon Clark:
College News
– LSU has suspended Phi Delta Theta until 2033 due to the death of freshman pledge Max Gruver.
Viral Randomness
– You know, when ya mention it…
– Delete your account:
– Ole’ Joey Badass:
Hottest of the Day
– This smoke Canadian model Lina Shek followed me on Twitter so I figured I’d show some love:

– Daily Fix fixture Rita Ora:
Song of the Day
– I found this band Bleachers last week & I CANNOT stop jamming:
Quote of the Day
“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.” -Unknown
You can follow Eric on Twitter @eric_italiano and on Instagram @ericitaliano .