It’s just like the scene in Air Bud when Buddy has to choose between the evil clown and little kid. At first, you wonder if Air Bud (and the only existing copy of the Wu-Tang Clan’s Once Upon a Time in Shaolin) know the difference between good and evil. Then you realize that Air Bud is more than just a pup and a Wu-Tang album is more than just a disc. They’re pure. And if you watch Disney movies then you know purity always prevails over clowns with receding hairlines.
Martin Shkreli is just that. He’s a self-satisfied movie villain, who first made headlines after his pharmaceutical company hiked the price of a cancer and HIV drug by 5,000 percent. In August 2017, he was convicted of securities fraud. Ahead of his sentencing, a judge has ordered him to forfeit $7.36 million in assets to the federal government. In addition to the Wu-Tang album, these assets include a Picasso painting and the only existing copy of Lil Wayne’s unreleased The Carter V.
The jailed convict is scheduled to be sentenced March 9 for lying to the investors of his hedge funds about his track record and performance.
Shkreli previously threatened to destroy the $2 million album after Wu-Tang Clan member Ghostface Killah called Shkreli a “s—head.” Ghostface Killah and the rest of humanity can sleep a little easier knowing a one-of-a-kind album escaped a pretty shitty fate. This is the type of ending that makes you tear up and think about being a better person, or getting a dog.