The Phi Delta Theta fraternity chapter at Missouri State University has been closed until
Fall 2021 due to a rules violation. The suspension has displaced 26 students living at the fraternity house on Elm St. The decision was made by the national Phi Delta Theta organization
Dr. Thomas Lane, the Dean of Students at Missouri State University, says that while he does not know why the organization closed the chapter, the university supports the decision.
The fraternity’s national headquarters released a statement saying, “This came after a discovery of violations of the fraternity’s risk management policies. Phi Delta Theta looks forward to its return to Missouri State University in the Fall of 2021.”
According to KSPR, Missouri State had disciplined the Phi Delta Theta chapter five times since 2012 for various offenses.
via KSPR:
The chapter was put on two separate year-long probations for hazing violations in April 2014 and December 2016. The group just cleared their most recent probation on December 15, 2017.
“I think that the university takes a strong stand against hazing,” Thomas Lane said. “I think we do a good job of educating all of our student organizations about the importance of not hazing and that hazing is not congruent with the values that we have as an institution.”
Dr. Lane says that the university has made the 26 students who live at the fraternity house aware of their on-campus housing options. He also says that it’s still possible that the school may discipline some students, but they won’t pursue any group charges against the fraternity since, “in essence, the chapter no longer exists.”
This is the latest fraternity suspension in the last year, as schools such as Indiana University, the University of Michigan, Ohio State University, Texas State, Florida State, Ball State, Louisiana State and Penn State have all suspended fraternities.