Insidious: The Last Key is an upcoming supernatural horror film directed by Adam Robitele, director of The Taking of Deborah Logan, and written by co-creator ,Leigh Whannell. This film is the fourth installment of the Insidious franchise, but second in terms of in-story chronology, following Insidious: Chapter 3.
Insidious: The Last Key is produced by Insidious regulars Jason Blum who also produced The Purge series and Get Out, Oren Peli producer of Paranormal Activity and co-creator James Wan who produced The Conjuring and Furious 7.
The film is set to be released in theaters on Jan. 5. It will pick up where the last one left off, following the main character Elise Rainier, played by Lin Shaye. Rainier, a psychologist, goes on to investigate the recent supernatural occurrences in a families home in New Mexico. When she receives the phone call from the worried family, she finds out that the house was her childhood home, causing an even thicker plot.
Rainier takes her two investigative partners and travels to New Mexico to confront and destroy the demon she accidentally set free years earlier, during her childhood. This causes the haunting to be especially personal for Rainier.
The film is said to feature flashbacks to Rainer as a teenager, played by Hana Hayes. Audiences will be shown the horrifying demon with keys on the end of each fingertip. The keys are said to be able to turn off the screams of each victim.
We also get insight into the family that currently lives in the New Mexico home, especially when the ghostly encounters start to make them question their own sanity.
Watch the official Insidious: The Last Key trailer for a sneak peek of the horrifying film that’s guaranteed to keep you up at night.