Right? Like, 2016 sucked, 2017 was honestly worse, so it only makes sense that 2018 would be the year artificial intelligence achieve singularity. For the uninitiated, singularity is the theory that one day — without any warning — AI will trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. I know people are always using The Terminator in their robot references, but the idea of singularity can best be explained by those movies: what if SkyNet realizes it doesn’t need us anymore and decides to make a move.
Yet despite this, scientists all across the globe seem determined to push humanity to the brink with our ever-advancing artificial technologies. Whether it be sex robots, Siri & Alexa, that nightmare fueled robot Sofia, humanity sends bound to be the creator of it’s own destroyed.
Take these Japanese scientists — or doomsday architects, depending on your perspective — who have invented a robot that can sweat. I get that sweating in and of itself is not big deal, but it’s yet another characteristic that makes these robots more lifelike. Just look at these f*ckers!

University of Tokyo

University of Tokyo

University of Tokyo
via Daily Mail:
Researchers at the University of Tokyo built two models of the humanoids, called Kengoro and Kenshiro, recreating the entire musculoskeletal system.
They used aluminum, steel and plastic as a frame, and designed synthetic joints and ligaments to enable the robots to move. The pair have rib cages and flexible spines, as well as an artificial central nervous system that monitors balance and stability.
Kengoro and Kenshiro have also been equipped with high tech processing power to give them the ability to act and react independently.
*Equipped with high tech processing power to give them the ability to act and react independently*
What happens when a pilates-performing robot decides it wants to download 1000 different forms of martial arts off of the cloud? Then what?