LOVE Magazine
Gotta hand it to Kate Upton — she’s got some staying power. Yes, she’s still only 25-years-old, even though it feels like she’s been around for about a decade, but Kate Upton blew up onto the scene almost 5 years ago now.
For those who don’t remember, allow me to jog your memory:
That video came out in 2012, meaning once the new year hits, it will turn 6 years old.
And yet, despite the ascension of the Jenner’s, Baldwin’s, Ratajkowski’s, and Ren’s of the world, Upton has found a way to stay relevant. Well, two ways to stay relevant, if you know what I mean.
Appearing in Day 19 of LOVE Magazine’s always excellent advent calendar, Upton’s theme for the day is tennis. Relatively speaking, compared to the heat brought by Em Rata, Alexis Ren, and Hailey Baldwin, this video is on the weaker end of the advent calendar.