Alyssa Parker, an Iowa college cheerleader who took a knee during the national anthem, found that her dorm room door was vandalized with racial slurs. Parker was one of several students whose dorm room doors were defaced.
Following her protest, Parker and other students found the word ‘n*****’ written on their dorm room doors. This is the latest incident in a string of racist graffiti attacks at Iowa’s Buena Vista University’s campus between December 8 and 11.
According to Parker, her and her roommate, Emerald Jones, were studying for finals on Sunday, December 10, when they were woken up by a friend who has seen the graffiti.
The N-word was written on Parker’s door, while “Illegal” was written on the door of a Hispanic student, and “KKK” and a swastika was written on the door of a white student.
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“I woke up to knocks on our door from a friend that we have, and he was just freaking out because when we opened the door, the N-word was written on our door,” said Parker.
The racial scrawl was just the latest in a string of incidents. One had the word “illegal” written on a Hispanic student’s door, and “KKK” and a swastika drawn on a white student’s door. All incidents happened in the Pierce and White residence halls, but the two women believe their door was targeted because of Parker’s protest.
Nineteen-year-old Ryan Bills of Las Vegas, Nevada, was arrested in connection to the earlier cases of vandalism, but Parker says Storm Lake Police do not believe he is responsible for the graffiti on their door.
Parker and her teammates originally quit the Buena Vista cheer squad when they were mandated to stand.
While Parker and Jones said they’ll return for the spring semester, they are not sure if they will return to BVU for their junior year.
The investigation is currently ongoing and police are asking anyone with information to call them at 712-832-8010.