Where are the top three places in the world you wouldn’t want to go right now? Is the same island as Kim Jong Un one of them? So I thought.
And apparently, you and I aren’t the only ones who feel that way, as reports indicate that NBC employees are hesitant to sign up for the Winter Olympics because they are “afraid to get nuked”.
Now, let’s think about this logically (somewhat logically, at least): first, an Olympic event does present a unique opportunity for a psychopath to launch a nuclear attack, no doubt about it. But, because it is the Olympics, it is a worldwide event, which means that if Lil Kim really did have the sack (he doesn’t) to attack an Olympic event, he would literally be waging war against the entire world, which, objectively, would be a ballsy endeavor.
However, NBC staffers don’t seem to agree.
via Page Six:
NBC staffers are gun-shy about volunteering to work at the upcoming 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games, sources tell Page Six, because of tension in the region.
An insider told us that usually NBC staffers are enthusiastic about being sent to the games for work. But with the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang — a remote South Korean city 40 miles south of the demilitarized zone that’s changed the capitalization of its name for the games, so as not to be confused with neighboring Pyongyang, North Korea — some workers are choosing to stay home.
“They usually all want to sign up for the Olympics, but they’re afraid to get nuked,” said a source. But another insider told us, “If NBC News employees have concerns about attending, they are not required to go, as was the policy with [the Rio Summer Olympics in 2016] and Zika fears.”
Kim Jong Un is an idiot but is he stupid enough to not only attack America but most of the world’s most powerful nations? Unlikely. Either way — you won’t catch me in either of the Koreas anytime soon.