#AdviceForSanta is trending worldwide on Twitter. Many people are getting a head start on Christmas with hilarious tweets, sending out their own personal advice for Santa Claus. And as you can tell by some of these Tweet, there are many big boys and girls being very naughty this year…
Seriously. Stop kink-shaming Santa…
Alright, this Tweet is lewd, crude, and kinda nude…
Too soon for #MeToo jokes, buddy. #TooSoonForMeToo…
Mr. Weinstein is definitely getting something nasty in his stocking this year…
Santa doesn’t get stoned, does he?
That’s my kinda Claus!
I wonder if the rosy-cheeked Santa take away the orange-toned tickler’s access to nuclear weapons…
Here’s a little advice from former WWE Champion and internet funnyman The Iron Shiek. Shieky baby has some advice for old St. Nick…
Santa never sent Hillary an orange suit because, maybe, Kris Kringle has other plans in mind… Yuge plans…
Star Wars crossover for Santa?
Santa got those CliffNotes tho, bro…
When did Santa have a liberal bias? Was it the free gifts? Must have been the presents…
I don’t think Santa wants to commit suicide just yet…
Here’s something nearly everyone can agree on…