Tommy Wiseau is an actor/film writer who has tried his hand in television as well. He was born on October 3 1955 in Poznań, Poland. Wiseau always had a passion for making movies and that lead him to create his first/most popular feature film The Room. The Room received mixed reviews to say the least, but it has remained in the main stream news for years after its release. In fact, Seth Rogen and James Franco are coming out with The Disaster Artist which is a movie based off all the trials and tribulations of the behind the scenes efforts that went into creating this captivating film.
Tommy Wiseau’s Net Worth as of 2017: $500 Thousand
Tommy Wiseau creator/star of The Room is worth an estimated $500 thousand. Wiseau, who funded production of The Room himself, has never been clear about where his fortune came from, something that is mentioned in the upcoming film The Disaster Artist.
The Room was released 2003 and it is widely considered the worst movie ever made. Thats not something you usually want your name attached too but The Room has actually developed a huge following around the world. Wiseau still stands by the fact that this film is just misunderstood and is unfairly considered a “bad” movie.
Fun Fact: While Wiseau said that he got the funding for The Room by importing and selling leather jackets from South Korea, some crew members of The Room said that the money came from an organized crime money-laundering scheme, though Wiseau said that is highly unlikely.
In 2004 Tommy wrote, directed and produced ‘Homeless in America’ a film that went deep into the lives of those effected by the homelessness that is effecting america and all those who help them. This film showed a different side of Wiseau and hopefully opened a lot of peoples eyes to this growing problem.
2015- Present
Tommy has stayed busy in the entertainment industry despite falling out of the public eye for a few years. He attempted to start a TV show, The Neighbors (2015), But none of the networks picked it up after airing the pilot. But that didn’t stop Wiseau from continuing to work, He appeared in short films such as The House That Drips Blood, He also had roles in both Enter Samurai (2016) and Samurai Cop 2: Deadly Vengeance (2015). Most notably, he starred in Best F(r)iends (2017) along side Greg Sestero.
But the real reason Tommy Wiseau’s name has been and will be in the news the next few weeks is because of Seth Rogen and James Franco’s new film dissecting the behind the scenes look at The Room.