Brandeis University in Massachusetts was placed on lockdown overnight due to an armed robbery on campus. The Brandeis campus was closed to all faculty and non-essential personnel.
“We have received a report of an armed subject on campus. Take shelter in the nearest room, lock doors and windows, silence your cell phone and remain quiet,’ officials from the university said in a statement around 12am Tuesday. Do not let anyone into the room until the area is deemed clear by authorities,” the emergency statement read.
About an hour after the statement, campus police confirmed that an armed robbery took place on campus.
The university campus was reopened once law enforcement confirms there is no threat.
Braindeis University enrolled about 5,600 graduate and undergraduate students in 2015.
About Brandeis University
Founded in 1948 as a non-sectarian, co-educational institution sponsored by the Jewish community, Brandeis was established on the site of the former Middlesex University. The university is named after Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish Justice of the U.S Supreme Court. In 2015, it had a total enrollment of 5,532 students on its suburban campus spanning over 235 acres (95 hectares). The institution offers more than 43 majors and 46 minors, and two-thirds of the undergraduate classes have 20 students or fewer. It is a member of Association of American Universities since 1985 and the Boston Consortium which allows students to cross-register to attend courses at other institutions including Boston College, Boston University and Tufts University.