I’ve never been a very religious dude, but I have to say, I’m starting to lean towards the big man upstairs being a real possibility.
And it isn’t because I’ve had some religious experience, or because I met the love of my life who wants me to commit myself to God. No, it’s because I discovered the existence of Alina and Emilija Wellbrock.
The Wellbrocks, who are originally from Ukraine but have lived in Germany for the last 14 years, attended stage school, where they trained in acting, singing, and dancing. They now work as professional dancers and are both believed to be auditioning for roles in a new production of Grease.
They also happen to be my visual representation of what I imagine heaven is like.
With just about 25,000 followers each, the Wellbrocks are two of the most criminally underrated Instagram models out there, so make sure to hop on the bandwagon while there’s still room.