Veterans Day is a time set aside to honor those who serve in the United States armed forces. The men and women who fight for this country are tough as nails. So tough that they can take a joke or two. You have no time to be a snowflake if you’ve fought in the desert or trained in a stateside military camp. You’ll burn up faster than enraged safe space toddlers at a Milo Yiannopoulos speech. So, I think our men and women in military uniform can handle a joke or two at their expense in the gallery. If not, Trump help us.
Well, that plan doesn’t look too practical.
The U.S. armed forces weren’t able to uncover any of the alleged weapons of mass destruction (W.M.D) in Iraq. But on this COED page, you’ve just stumbled on the memes of mass dankness. Take these M.M.D.’s with caution. There’s no yellow cake uranium, but there is definitely a yellow-haired anthropomorphic piece of Cheetos holding up a crudely-drawn dunderhead instruction manual. He’s right above this paragraph, and guess what? He’s the president of the United States. #DealWithIt!