Source: Shutterstock.com
Veterans Day is a federal holiday so a lot of places will be closed. With the fact that we’re honoring veterans, it is a small price to pay, especially given all the deals that will be available, too! That said, it can still be inconvenient, so make sure to plan accordingly. Don’t forget that there are always exceptions to the rule, so make sure to contact any local places in case you needed to go there on Veterans Day or, as you will see, even the day before! For a general list, though, Saving Advice has made a list of things that are generally going to be open & closed this year.
What is closed on Veterans Day?
Post Offices

Source: Pixabay
There will be no mail delivery or pick up on Veterans Day, with most post offices being closed.

Source: Pixabay
Most credit unions and banks are expected to be closed this year, but there will be a few banks that will be an exception to the rule.
Normally, libraries usually heed federal bank holidays, so they close accordingly. There might be some exceptions, so check with local places to make sure. Added to that, there are some libraries closed on weekends, anyway.
Government Offices

Source: Pixabay
Normally, government offices are not open on the weekend, to begin with, but many will be closed on Friday as well. Essential personnel, like law enforcement, however, are expected to be an exception to the rule. This is the expected case on the state, local and federal level.

Source: Pixabay
Obviously, Veterans Day falls on a Saturday this year, so most American schools would be closed already. That said, depending on where you live, some schools might even be closed on the preceding Friday in honor of the holiday, according to lohud.
Public Transportation

Source: Pixabay
If you rely on buses or railways to get around, especially to get to work, then you might have to take the day off or find other ways to get around. That said, there are still places expected to be open on a limited schedule or places that will not be affected at all.
Garbage Services

Source: Pixabay
If you live in an area where trash pick-up falls on Saturday, it might be rescheduled.
What’s expected to be open?
Drug Stores

Source: Pixabay
Major drugstores are usually expected to be open for regular business hours on Veterans Day. Independent stores are expected to be open on, but they might be working on a holiday schedule. As I keep saying, it is wise to call ahead!
Grocery Stores

Source: Pixabay
Similar to drug stores, major retailers are expected to be open, with independent stores expected to be on a holiday schedule.
National Parks

Source: Pixabay
Not only are national parks expected to be open, many might be open as a free entrance day on November 11, too.
Large Retail Stores

Source: Pixabay
Costco, Target and Walmart are expected to be open, as with other major retailers. Many of these places do at times honor federal holidays, but still stay open on Veterans Day. In fact, some places might offer sales in honor of the holidays.

Source: Pixabay
You might not be able to rent a free book or take the bus, but you probably won’t starve. Many places will offer deals and free meals for local veterans.